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Friday, July 18, 2008

Why do bad things.......

I have never calmed to know everything (even though some of you may think other wise). So I still to this day struggle with "why bad things happen to good people". I have heard all kinds of stories from folks about "bad things". Some are happy stories about fathers that worked so much and they never spent time with his kids, then he loses his job and he finds a new outlet as a father and it builds back up his relationship with them. While yes that happens everyday and it is a great story, that is not what I am talking about. The stories that get me are the bad ones that go like this. Man/Women loves the lord with all their heart. They honor God like they should. They honor him like a Father. Then cancer, or a car wreck, or murder hits. Why? I don't know. I don't understand.
A great family who are dear friends of mine are going through this very thing. They are church going, Christ believing, God heart people. Yet he has been told he has the big-C Cancer. Why, God why these people, Why now. I understand that God has a plan, I understand that he will not put anything in front of us that we can't deal with. But I still have the WHY'S. And before you say it I know I know I am a Pastor and I should not question God's will, but I am also a human and I am hurting right now. So if there is any one that reads this blog and can help me. PLEASE DO!!!!

1 comment:

alsmith said...

Dude, I too struggle with this a great deal. I heard last night about a good friend (Chuck) being diagnosed with cancer. Karen and I both were 'floored'. Such a great guy... He has been on my heart ALL day. I know God has a plan and all we can do is pray that healing is a part of it. Unfortunately, the selfishnes of man makes it extremely hard to accept. Just pray for the strength to accept His will for the situation and hope that through this struggle the person God is trying to reach is touched.