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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Weekend Maddness

  • Friday I worked at the funeral home all day and then headed home to work on hanging some hand towel holders Laura thought I needed in the bathroom.
  • Saturday was a full day. Slept in late and then headed to play golf followed by some fishing. And I got burnt. When I left the house it was a nice overcast but by 4:00pm my arms and face were and nice beet red. (Note to self DON'T do that again)
  • Sunday was church at the Creek and it was AWESOME.
  • Chris and the band were solid again this week
  • Scott kicked off our new talk on "Remember". It is a modern interpretation of ancient traditions. This week was Communion
  • In Kidz Cove we talked about Samuel and his boss Eli and how you can learn alot from your leaders. Like how Samuel learned how to hear God speak to him from Eli.
  • Big Rock was awesome as well we are doing the same talk for the teens as we are for the adults. We just make it more teen friendly or as I like to say we TEENAFA it.
  • Sunday night I crashed hard after watching Dane Cooks new comedy special. That dude is INSANE
  • Monday I was right back to Hall-Wynne for another start to another work week.
  • And you may have seen that Laura was no where around this weekend. She left on Friday to head to D.C. to watch her best friend Emily graduate. And she will be spending most of the week chillin on the Chesapeake Bay with Emily and her family. Glad Laura could get away cause I know she needed it. I miss her so much and can't wait for her to come home.

And this week does not look like it is going to be any easier. Big things on tap this week. Working on youth room, starting on stage design for our new series in June, and working on the Father's Day Golf Tournament. Man it is going to be crazy!!!

Peace out I gotta go back to work

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