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Friday, May 8, 2009

Guest Blogger

This is a great post that I wanted to share with everyone

Guest: Brian Kruckenberg
Title: 11 Days
Last summer during OnePrayer I was participating in the weekly fasts. On the morning of the first fast, I sat down to read out of Deuteronomy. I wasn’t quite sure what God would have for me there but after reading just a few lines I read something that I can’t ever recall reading before: “Normally, it takes only eleven days to travel from Mount Sinai to Kadesh-barnea…” (Deut. 1:2, NLT) I stopped right there. I couldn’t believe what I just read: Eleven days? Really? ELEVEN DAYS!?! So, what’s the big deal? Well, what should have taken the Israelites about ELEVEN DAYS took them FORTY YEARS…or, by simple calculation: 14,600 DAYS! You see, God wanted to give the Promised Land to the Israelites and they were a short eleven-day journey away from receiving this amazing gift but instead they bickered, doubted and rebelled their way to a journey that would last 14,600 days. That absolutely blows my mind.
There’s so much more to this story (no doubt, the battle for the promised land would have still been there) but the questions for now are these: What is taking us years that God could do in days? What issue has handcuffed you for years that you could be on the way to defeating in a few weeks if you listened to God, faced it head on and seriously dealt with it? Eleven days or forty years? It is up to us.

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