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Monday, January 19, 2009

No Weekend Madness

I am not going to do a Weekend Madness this week but I promise it will be back next week.
Today I wanted to share where my mind and heart are right now. I think God has used Hope Creek Church here in Durham, NC to open my eyes. When I was a teenager I thought the church as a whole was dying. I mean in my small Methodist church there were little to no visitors, there was a handful of kids my own age and the number on Sunday keep getting smaller and smaller. So I become one of the people that lift and turned my back on the church. 7 years later I found a place here in Durham that had "IT". There is where God worked in my life big time. He showed me that church can be different from what I was used to. He showed me that church can be fun. He showed me that God's word could be taught in today's terms. He showed me that my heart longed to serve him. After 5 years of hard work, blood, sweat, tears, highs and lows. I decided to leave to take a larger part in God's Kingdom. I became a Family Pastor at Hope Creek. It was clear on that first day they had "IT" as well. There is something special about this place even through we are smaller in size than some places there heart for lost people can't be matched. The folks that make up Hope Creek are not perfect, to be honest they are a bunch of sinners but that is OK cause so am I. But they get "IT" they understand that it is not about them. But we do EVERYTHING we can to still make them happy and still focus on the lost. That is the tight rope we walk as Pastor's at The Creek to make sure we don't sway one way or another. That has been the eye opener I have learned in my first year on the job. It is hard to walk a tight rope, something you fall, something the rope cathes you between the legs, and sometimes you make it all the way to end only to turn around and do it all over again.


Anonymous said...

Nice Charlie...thanks for being one of the ones who make your story today possible! I love you man.

Anonymous said...

I'm not involved in church leadership so I know there are many factors I'm probably not aware of that go into church planning. For what it's worth, here is my uneducated "2 cents"... Seems to me that a church could succeed best by focusing on helping people grow (not complacently serving the "needs and wims" of the people) but really helping them grow from whatever level they are at to the next level and beyond... If you grow closer to God, understand and develop your God given strengths, work on your weaknesses, you'll become a better spouse/co-worker/friend, etc.. The people in your sphere of influence will notice. Seems to me evangalism should evolve naturally out of that. People will notice the change and that will open up opportunties to naturally influence them. Because of your growing relationship with God, you'll also want to take active steps to play a part in God's plans (including reaching out to unsaved). Keep fighting the good fight Charlie. Miss your positive energy, your comedic stylings and your great vocals...