Twitter Updates
Friday, September 25, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Follow Me on Twitter
Monday, August 17, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
It was great to see so many churches using shared teaching this June during One Prayer. More than one million believers around the globe learned together through powerful messages about who God Is… It’s incredible to think that a message recorded in Australia can change a life in Costa Rica or that a pastor in a small American town can influence people in Ghana, Guatemala, and points in between.
Both this year and last, we heard from many churches who were trying video teaching for the first time and were amazed at the results. We’re excited about seeing shared teaching on a global scale, and are building on that momentum with the launch of If you haven’t heard us mention it before, is a site where churches will be able to download high-quality video messages from gifted Christian communicators. It’s all free, and it’s launching next week!
We’re adding finishing touches to the site, uploading more messages, and getting ready to share with the world. In the meantime, feel free to let your friends know about what’s coming. See you on the site soon!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Weekend Madness
- Friday I spent most of the day getting things in line for a graduation party for 2 guys from the funeral home. Heated up some BBQ that Chuck McLean cooked man that was some good stuff. And had to make a couple of gifts for and grads.
- Saturday I cut some grass but it was to hot so I waited till later that day. Went and picked up Laura to hang out. I did not see her Friday cause she got to go to the Taylor Swift concert. Finished cutting grass and Laura and I headed out for Chick-fil-a and Goodberrys ice cream.
- Sunday was church. Got up early to finish some items for the parents.
- Sunday 9:30 service numbers were LOW but picked back up big time for 11:00
- Chris and the band rocked it out again busting out a David Cook song for the opening.
- Scott was spot of with his talk breaking down another myth.
- Kidz Cove we are talking about FAITH. We did stuff a little different and went off script and talked about Baptism and what is was and why you did it and what it does for you. We are talking about this cause June 28 if we have any kids that want to we are doing a big KIDZ COVE BAPTISM DAY.
- Sunday afternoon was a nice lazy day around the house. I took a nap and Laura watched a movie. Laura family also came over to have dinner. I cooked some slammin BBQ chicken with stuffing and gravy. And we hung out playing punch-out on the Wii
- All in all it was great weekend. It could have been 10 times longer but it was still great. Got lots to do this week for the Father's Day Golf Tournament on Sunday. So I need to get to bed and get some rest some I am 100% for the rest of the week.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Weekend Madness
- Friday Night I stayed home and got ready for a singing gig I had on Saturday.
- Saturday I got up early and went and loaded all the Spotlight sound stuff up and then unloaded it at Southern High School since the show is in 1 week now.
- Left there and headed to Sacred Grounds Coffee House to set up my sound system and do a little practice before the show.
- Went back to Southern cause they were having problems with the mics
- At 4:00 I finally made it back to the house to relax before the show. Looked over my words, showered and grabbed a quick power nap before heading back out.
- Showtime at Sacred Grounds and we had tons of folks come out to hear me sing. I think this was one of my favorite sets cause I got to do whatever kinda music I wanted to do. I did some Old School Pop, Country, Christan, and Jazz. Loved it can't wait to do another one.
- Saturday night I crashed hard cause I had a major headache so not much fun there.
- Sunday was church still had the headache but pushed through cause that what we have to do.
- Chris and the band lead off with some Creed and did a awesome job with that.
- Scott was in week two of our series "Remember" This week he talked about fasting. Not one of the easiest things to talk on but man he did a great job.
- Kidz Cove was rocking and rolling. We talk about how Adam and Eve should have listened to GOD and how sad he gets with us when we don't listen.
- Went home after church and grabbed and nap to try to shake this headache.
- Big Rock was Sunday night and we talked about fasting as well. We shared how fasting is more than just from food and how we should fast from anything that distracts from GOD. We had the teens write down their biggest distractions and how many times they were coming to try to fast from it this week and the we set the paper on fire to help his destroy the distraction.
- Sunday night myself and a bunch of guys from church got together and watched the UFC that come on Saturday night. MAN IT WAS AWESOME!!!!
- Little funeral work today and then some golf
Thursday, May 21, 2009
'The A-Team' Cast: Then & Now

Born Laurence Tureaud on May 21, 1952, he really did go by the first name "Mr.," middle name "period," and last name "T." Sylvester Stallone discovered the Army vet-turned-bouncer-turned-wrestler-turned-bodyguard to the stars (including Joe Frazier, Muhammad Ali, Steve McQueen, and Michael Jackson) on the "America's Toughest Bouncer" competition and cast him as Clubber Lang in "Rocky III." "The A-Team" was created as a vehicle for the up-and-coming actor with the trademark mohawk, gold chains, and unforgettable catch phrase, "I pity the fool" -- which ultimately went from sound bite to motivational reality show. Really. Mr. T: Now Mr. T has never found the level of success he once enjoyed on the "A-Team." When the hit show ended, he went on to star in the series "T. and T." as a former boxer who teams up with a public defender to solve crimes. The series lasted just over two seasons, and health problems since then have prevented him from taking on more time-intensive roles (he was diagnosed with T-cell lymphoma in 1995). These days he mostly sticks to starring in commercials and hawking his Mr. T Flavorwave Oven… move over George Foreman.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Weekend Maddness
- Friday I worked at the funeral home all day and then headed home to work on hanging some hand towel holders Laura thought I needed in the bathroom.
- Saturday was a full day. Slept in late and then headed to play golf followed by some fishing. And I got burnt. When I left the house it was a nice overcast but by 4:00pm my arms and face were and nice beet red. (Note to self DON'T do that again)
- Sunday was church at the Creek and it was AWESOME.
- Chris and the band were solid again this week
- Scott kicked off our new talk on "Remember". It is a modern interpretation of ancient traditions. This week was Communion
- In Kidz Cove we talked about Samuel and his boss Eli and how you can learn alot from your leaders. Like how Samuel learned how to hear God speak to him from Eli.
- Big Rock was awesome as well we are doing the same talk for the teens as we are for the adults. We just make it more teen friendly or as I like to say we TEENAFA it.
- Sunday night I crashed hard after watching Dane Cooks new comedy special. That dude is INSANE
- Monday I was right back to Hall-Wynne for another start to another work week.
- And you may have seen that Laura was no where around this weekend. She left on Friday to head to D.C. to watch her best friend Emily graduate. And she will be spending most of the week chillin on the Chesapeake Bay with Emily and her family. Glad Laura could get away cause I know she needed it. I miss her so much and can't wait for her to come home.
And this week does not look like it is going to be any easier. Big things on tap this week. Working on youth room, starting on stage design for our new series in June, and working on the Father's Day Golf Tournament. Man it is going to be crazy!!!
Peace out I gotta go back to work
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Stand by Me
Friday, May 8, 2009
Guest Blogger
Guest: Brian Kruckenberg
Title: 11 Days
Last summer during OnePrayer I was participating in the weekly fasts. On the morning of the first fast, I sat down to read out of Deuteronomy. I wasn’t quite sure what God would have for me there but after reading just a few lines I read something that I can’t ever recall reading before: “Normally, it takes only eleven days to travel from Mount Sinai to Kadesh-barnea…” (Deut. 1:2, NLT) I stopped right there. I couldn’t believe what I just read: Eleven days? Really? ELEVEN DAYS!?! So, what’s the big deal? Well, what should have taken the Israelites about ELEVEN DAYS took them FORTY YEARS…or, by simple calculation: 14,600 DAYS! You see, God wanted to give the Promised Land to the Israelites and they were a short eleven-day journey away from receiving this amazing gift but instead they bickered, doubted and rebelled their way to a journey that would last 14,600 days. That absolutely blows my mind.
There’s so much more to this story (no doubt, the battle for the promised land would have still been there) but the questions for now are these: What is taking us years that God could do in days? What issue has handcuffed you for years that you could be on the way to defeating in a few weeks if you listened to God, faced it head on and seriously dealt with it? Eleven days or forty years? It is up to us.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Weekend Madness on Monday
- Friday I took 2 of the most important people in Carlton Miles life (his mother and Mrs McIver) out to eat to celebrate his 46 birthday and to remember a great man.
- Saturday was a long day that started at 5:30 so I could be a Dennis house at 6:00 to help him and Kim move some stuff out for a yard sale.
- Saturday I also headed to Southern High School to help with Spotlight practice. Mrs McIver wanted to get the kids on mics ASAP. My good friend Becky was in town to teach some dance moves to the kids. So it was good to catch up with her.
- Saturday night Laura and I headed to Hope Creek for a cook out to welcome 2 new boards members. Renee and Todd. We had a cook out and just hang out and fellowship it was awesome.
- Sunday was church 3 services in one day is tiring.
- I am not a numbers guy never have and never will. But numbers were down this week not sure why I just no they were down.
- Only number I care about is this people accepted Christ this weekend. THAT NUMBER IS THE ONLY ONE THAT MATTERS.
- Chris and the band just flat out rocked Sunday. Lead off with some U2 and Chris nailed it.
- Scott did a great job wrapping up our series "It's Personal"
- In Kidz Cove we took the story on Jonah to a whole nothin level. We also revealed a new value as well as 2 new songs.
- Laura and I had lunch Sunday with some old friends. Adam Cook and his wife Val and one of the cutest babies alive Olivia. Adam is the Student Pastor at NHC and is one of the funnest guys I know. Great to see them again
- Sunday night was Big Rock and we wrapped up our series " Who you haggin with". We talked about how to become wise true friends. Really great series for us in Big Rock.
- Sunday night after Big Rock I crashed HARD and now I am right back to it and could not be happier.
- Golf on Wednesday and I can't wait
Thursday, April 30, 2009
What is on my mind
So the past couple of days I have been doing alot of thinking about life and what not. I have been asking myself tons of questions. But the one question that has been on my mind alot is this.
- When we get to heaven will we see the people that have gone on there before us.
Will we know who they are, get to hug, kiss and have a great time with them. Will they look the same.
I would love to hear what you think
Monday, April 27, 2009
Weekend Madness on Monday
- Let me start off by saying I have a holy hangover this A.M.
- Friday night was a date night for Laura and I. Had some dinner and then headed to see Jordan High School put on "Beauty and the Beast"
- Saturday was prep for 2 different talks I gave this weekend. I also started working on the set list for a singing gig at the Scared Grounds Coffee House on May 23
- I fixed Laura's Favorite dinner on Saturday Spaghetti with meat sauce and homemade garlic bread.
- Sunday was a long long day.
- Hope Creek was rockin it hard core with week 3 of "It's Personal". And Scott was just on point.
- Chris and the worship team were all over some worship with some face melting stuff.
- This week was a little different cause the Kidz Cove team did the opening song. We sang our Kidz Cove Theme Song. And it was AWESOME. Kids dancing everywhere. And a big shout out to Laura Beth, Alice and Gerard you guys rock.
- We wrapped up this months value CONVICTION talking about Stephen. And how he died cause he keep preaching about Jesus.
- Sunday night in Big Rock we were in week 2 of "Who ya'll hangin wif". We talked about how to spot the wise folks you need to be hangin wif.
- Crashed hard Sunday night after Big Rock. I have crazy respect for Pastors who talk over and over again on the weekends. It has to be draining cause I know it is for me. But I keep thinking about how these people need to hear this and praying that God will change just one of their lives if not all of them.
- And that my friends keeps me going no matter how tried I am.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
words of wisdom
“It is doubtful that God can bless a man greatly until He has hurt him deeply.”
More on this later still wrapping my head around it
Monday, April 20, 2009
Prom Season

This will be me when my daughter goes off to PROM!!!!!!!!
Weekend Madness
- Man what a crazy weekend again
- Friday I headed to South Point to grab a few things and saw Tyler Zeller from UNC basketball team. Home Boy is listed at 7'1 and I believe it.
- Friday night I also caught a great movie something I don't do often but it was nice.
- Saturday I worked around the house. Cleaned windows, vac, mopped floors, washed dishes. You know all that manly stuff.
- Saturday Laura and her mom heard off wedding dress shopping and she found the one.
- Saturday Laura and her mom headed over to the house and I cooked us dinner. Grilled pork chops, boiled potato's and a garden salad.
- Sunday was an great day for us at Hope Creek. Still seeing new faces which never gets old.
- Chris and the band we off the hook with worship. Opened up with some Dave Matthews "Were are you going".
- Scott was in week 2 of "It's Personal" Awesome job man
- In Kidz Cove we are still rocking out with our value of conviction. Talked about Peter and John and how they stand up for what was right when they preached about Jesus after his death.
- Sunday Laura and I headed to look at different tuxes for our wedding so we can get all that stuff started.
- Sunday I also spoke in Big Rock about healthy relationships. I shared with them stories of my life before I had those healthy relationships. We studied the verse of Proverds 13:20. I think it was a good talk and it seems like the teens like it.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Weekend Madness
- Let me start off by saying WOW this was an awesome weekend for us at Hope Creek. It will for sure go down in history as one of the best.
- Friday night was our 2nd Journey to The Cross and it was just wonderful. And we followed that up with Good Friday service. Chris and Jessie were on point with worship on Friday night.
- Saturday was Easter Egg Olympics and it was off the chains. Over 30 kids showing up to have fun on this all important weekend. Kids had a ball with the different stations. There was Egg Decorating, Egg Olympics (which is different relays kicked up Creek style), and the popular Egg Dropping.
- We also had a HUGE Easter Egg Hunt with over a 1000 Easter Eggs for the kids. Tons of candy for everyone. And everyone walked away with some sort of prize so no one left empty handed.
- Saturday I stayed around the church and just worked in The Cove to make sure everything was just right for everyone on Easter.
- Sunday was the highlight of all the weeks hard work. We opened up the service with White Snakes "Here I Go Again". Yes we did White Snake in church and it was awesome.
- There were only a handful of parking spots left during 2nd service and we also had to add seats during 2nd service which is just amazing. God was really rockin our world today at Hope Creek.
- Worship was way tight. Maybe the best I have ever heard the worship team today.
- Scott was all over the message kicking off " It's Personal"
- In Kidz Cove we kicked it up a whole nother level with not 1 not 2 not 3 but 4 actors as we told the story of Peter, John and Mary at the tomb of Jesus. Leroy as an Angel. WAY FUNNY!!!!!
- The adults told me they could hear the kids laughing and having a great time so I think they had fun.
- The whole Kidz Cove team stepped up big time. I wish I could name them all but there are to many. So let me just say from the bottom of my heart THANK YOU. You are the best team a guy could ask for. You challenge me daily to become better and it is an honor to service along side of you in helping kids and families into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
- Easter was awesome and our prayers were answered. We prayed all week that churches across the triangle would see a revival break out. That seats would be filled with folks craving the gospel of Jesus Christ. And that the Holy Sprint would work in the lives of the people that crossed through their doors. And he did that and so much more.
- Can't wait to see what you have in store for us next week.
- Oh and the UNC Tarheels are CHAMPS again. The start to an awesome week.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Weekend Madness
- Friday was a long day at the Creek. Loads of mulch and gravel had to be moved around the campus.
- Got to drive a Bobcat to move the loads and yeah I almost died I really think I saw the face of GOD himself.
- Saturday I had to get up early cause we had a Spring Clean Up Day at the Creek. We started out with some worship and then about 50 of us worked 8-5 making Hope Creek look the best it can for folks that drive onto our campus each and every day.
- Saturday night I headed to Duke's Chapel for their Country Ham and Egg Dinner. Wow it was awesome
- Sunday was another early day. As I headed to Hope Creek I could not help but think of all the folks in the area that need to hear the message of peace here on one of the holiest days of the year.
- Awesome day at the Creek. Lots and lots of new faces. We had our Ministry Fair today and had new folks sign up to help out.
- Speaking of the Ministry Fair the Kidz Cove team stepped up big time and made a killer booth for Kidz Cove
- In Kidz Cove we shared the story of Jesus praying in the garden right before he was arrested. We talked about how alone he must have felt but that he still stood up for what was right.
- Scott was all over the message today and Chris and the arts team had a slammin worship set.
- It was a great day for us in the history of Hope Creek.
- Another long week again this week. But can't wait to see what God has in store for us with Easter.
- God is rockin and rolling right now in the lives of so many and I am just happy I get to go along for the ride.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
weekend madness on Monday night
- Friday night I hung out with my good friend James Browne. Had dinner at Bullocks BBQ always good and then watched the UNC game. I love hanging out with James and his wife they are so much fun.
- Saturday I got up early and helped chop 200 pounds of BBQ for a event that is coming up for Dartball.
- Saturday I also had to work at the funeral home. I hate working on Saturdays most of the time it is my only day off.
- Saturday night I just chilled at the house. Laura hung out with her family on Saturday. So I prepped for Sunday and got some other things done around the house.
- Sunday was church at The Creek. Lots of folks there, numbers are way up for us from this time last year with is always a plus.
- Sunday was also the big give for us at Hope Creek. There was enough money given to but everything we needed and then some. AWESOME!!!!!
- Chris and the band were on fire with some spot on worship
- Scott did just another staler job with his message
- in Kidz Cove we wrapped up Hope with a talk about how Jesus really is.
- Big Rock on Sunday night was kickin. The football was out and my arm was about to fall off.
- Sunday night was also 201 and there were lots of folks taking the next step to partner with us at Hope Creek.
- on a side note. TARHEELS won and are in the final four for the 2nd year ina row. 2 more games to go until we cut down the nets!!!!!!!
- Hearing that the heels are in the final four makes me miss Carlton. He would have been so proud.
- I am spent so goodnight
Change starts small so just do something nice and watch as it changes the world
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Vince Lombardi
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Weekend Madness on Tuesday
- Friday night I got to put my new bed together. I know I must be growing up cause I have never had a real bed before. You know head board, feet board and rails. But I love it, it is so awesome to come into the bedroom and not have to sleep on a bed on the floor.
- Friday night Laura and I got to hang out with a great couple from Hope Creek Todd and Rebecca Sketch. We went to the Ale House for some wings and to watch as many basket ball games at once as we could. It was great to just hang and get to know them better.
- Saturday I cleaned house. I mean really cleaned house. I vacuumed every room top to bottom and cleaned every surface top to bottom. I even did the toilets. REAL MEN DO HOUSE WORK!!!!
- Saturday night I headed to Hope Creek to do some prep work for Sunday and to just clean up a little. Lots of stuff going on right now some things were a little junkie
- Sunday was an all day at Hope Creek event. It started with 2 Sunday services. Chris and the band we slammin this week. Scott was spot on with his talk on prayer. And in Kidz Cove is was another rockin week
- Sunday at lunch we had a Kidz Cove leadership meeting to discuss up coming events and share praises and concerns. Thankfully there were far more praises than concerns. There were many great ideas thrown out in that meeting.
- Sunday night was also 101 so instead of heading home I just stayed at the church and got a bunch of work done on the ministry fair that we are having at Hope Creek on April 5th.
- Sunday night was also Big Rock and it is always fun to hang out with our teens and chill
- 101 was awesome cause we got to share our mission, vision, and values with new folks and that never gets old.
- Sunday night I crashed HARD after some reading in the word and prayer
- Monday I was zapped but felt good cause of the work that had been done over the weekend. At times I get tired cause I am working 2 jobs but seeing people come to know Christ and his amazing love for us charges me up again and I am ready to keep fighting.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St Patty's Day
oh and if you see someone NOT wearing green be sure to pinch the crap out of them
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Weekend Madness
- Friday I headed to to the Homestead in Timberlake for some GREAT food and friendship with James and Melissa Browne. Came back to the house to chill and have some famous Homestead chocolate pie.
- Saturday was my lazy day. I got to watch all the games of the ACC tournament. A Saturday of nothing but college basketball does it get any better than that?
- Sunday I headed to The Creek for 2 services of helping people Belong, Believe, and Become.
- I am not a big numbers guy but Sunday was a great day for us at Hope Creek over 200 people came for Sunday services.
- Scott was spot on with his talk today.
- Chris and da Band were kickin it with some rocking worship
- Kidz Cove was straight off da hook. Over 50 kids for us this Sunday.
- James Browne made his teaching debut as Leroy in Kidz Cove today. We keep talking about Hope and Leroy taught us all about the Last Supper.
- Headed to Red Lobster with about 30 people to celebrate Scott's birthday. Happy Birthday Scott
- Now I am watching the Roast of Larry the Cable Guy. Bad language but man this is some funny stuff. They are ruthless. I think one day it would be cool to be roasted like that.
- Lots of work this week to get ready for Easter Egg Olympics and our Ministry Fair and working at the Funeral Home in there.
- Heard one of the best quotes today " When we all come together as a community and help, the world changes" Awesome just AWESOME
- Oh and I can be the bigger man congrats DUKE. Man I just throw up in my mouth a little bit
- Good Night
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Chuck Norris Facts
- If you have five dollars and Chuck Norris has five dollars, Chuck Norris has more money than you.
- There is no 'ctrl' button on Chuck Norris's computer. Chuck Norris is always in control.
- Apple pays Chuck Norris 99 cents every time he listens to a song.
- Chuck Norris can sneeze with his eyes open.
- Chuck Norris can eat just one Lay's potato chip.
- Chuck Norris is suing Myspace for taking the name of what he calls everything around you.
- Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognizes the element of surprise.
- Chuck Norris can kill two stones with one bird.
Happy Birthday Chuck Norris
Story on Carlton from the N & O on Monday

Amber Nimocks - Correspondent
DURHAM -- When Carlton Miles stood before a group of high school singers, his aim was to teach them more than how to reach the high notes. He wanted his students to know how to push themselves, how to realize their potential and how to retain their humility when they did.
A large man with a deep voice, Miles' mere presence seemed almost enough to convey his expectations.
"He could speak volumes without saying much," says his friend Charlie McNeill. "He just had a way, that when he spoke to you, you knew he was talking from his heart. It was never demanding, never overbearing, always from his heart."
Carlton Miles was a music educator in the Durham schools. He pushed students but was 'never overbearing. Miles died last month at age 45 after a brief illness.
He grew up in Durham and graduated from Jordan High School and N.C. Central University. He spent most of his career as a music educator in the Durham schools.
For the past eight years, he directed the Spotlight Singers, a choral group that features Durham County schools' best vocalists. Through his leadership of the singers and his involvement with many other musical groups, he quietly inspired countless others.
Lisa McIver met Miles when he was a student in the band at Jordan High School. She was the choral director. He played the drums, but when McIver heard him sing, she recruited him to join the chorus. Through the years, he spent a lot of time with McIver and her children, becoming almost a family member.
McIver describes Miles as a gentle person with a knack for listening and a passion for music.
"He didn't just play the drums," she says. "He made music with them."
One of the staples of Miles' year was the production of the Evening of Entertainment, a showcase of performances of Durham County students of all ages. This year's event, held this month at the new Durham Performing Arts Center, was dedicated to Miles.
'All of us went over it'
McIver says Miles extended the kind of friendship that transcended traditional barriers of age, race and status. The hundreds of people of myriad backgrounds who attended his memorial service bore witness to that, she says.
"He built that bridge, and all of us went over it," she says.
Charles McNeill met Miles when he was a Spotlight singer as a senior in high school. Miles became his vocal coach and eventually a great friend and mentor.
His association with music and Miles led McNeill to his current occupation as a family pastor at Hope Creek Church in Durham.
"I would have to say that he was one of the greatest musicians and vocalists I've ever met, but he was also the most humble and generous man I've ever met," McNeill says.
Talented musicians tend to be prima donnas, McNeill says, but Miles never was.
McNeill says that, as a student, he learned from Miles the value of hard work.
"He always told us that what we put into it was what we got out of it," he says.
Music to ministry
McNeill and Miles started hanging out, bonding over many common interests, including a passion for musicals. McNeill says he had drifted away from the church when Miles began encouraging him to attend services at New Horizon Church, where he played drums in the band.
The music, Miles told him, was outstanding. It took a little persuasion, but McNeill began going to New Horizon.
"They brought me in with the music, and while I was there, I started listening to the messages," McNeill says.
That opened his heart to a call to the ministry, he says. It's among the many gifts his friend left him with, and one of many memories he plans to return to regularly.
"As long as I can keep him alive in my heart and I can pass along the things he taught me, the spirit of Carlton Miles will never die," McNeill says.
Weekend Madness
- Friday night Laura, her mom and I headed to the DPAC to take in the opening night of Jesus Christ Superstar. Awesome Awesome show
- Saturday was a cleaning day at the house. Put a deep clean on everything
- Saturday night Laura and I headed to hear a great musician Todd Parrott. He is one of the sickest harmonica players I have ever heard
- Sunday was church at Hope Creek. 2 services and lots of folks there. Scott did a great job with his talk and Chris was money with the music. Great job guys
- In Kidz Cove we are talking about Hope this month. Played "What that Smell" as our game. Kidz Cove is rockin right now
- Sunday was also the big game for us here in the Durham area. Duke-UNC. My heels won and we are 2-0 against them this year YAH!!!!
- Sunday night Laura and I headed to some friends house to watch Saturdays big UFC fight. Dude there were some big time knockouts.
- Laura is on Spring Break this week so I get to see here everyday and that makes me happy.
- Small group tonight and I can't wait. I love our group
Thursday, March 5, 2009
- My faith in the public school system is fading fast. They are not concerned about the students anymore just the numbers and stats.
- I am so tired about hearing how Durham is a bad city. I believe in Durham because of the people that live here and I know that God is the God of this city and lord of these people. There is hope for Durham
- Since Red Robin has bottomless fries shouldn't we just be able to go in their and grab some if you ever bought anything from them.
- Why do the really good shows ( Burn Notice, Psych) only come on during the winter
- Why are churches not doing everything they can to reach people with the most important message ever Jesus is the real deal.
- Who would have ever thought A-Rod was on the juice
- Why are the NBA champions called the World Champs they have not played teams from all over the world.
- Why as pastor do we look at other churches as the competition and not as team mates.
- When are we going to get out of this money funk
- Speaking of funk why are there no more big time funk bands.
- Laura wants to know why my feet always smell like funk
- I think that churches that try to be like other churches and not original are stupid
- Fireproof is a great movie bad acting but great message
- If the church wants to reach people that no one else is reaching we have to do something no one else is doing. What is it that we need to do?
Told you that my mind was all over the place. Hope you are not to confused by my thoughts
Monday, March 2, 2009
Weekend Madness
- Let me start off by saying this was one crazy week not just weekend
- Wednesday the staff and board from Hope Creek hoped in the car and headed to ATL and North Point to get our learn on from 2 great leaders.
- Thursday we were in a conference all day learning how to be better leaders. And after sitting there for 8 hours we hoped back in the car for a 6 hour ride home. Needless to say a LONG LONG couple of days
- Friday I thought I would have time to recover but nope had to work.
- Friday night I headed to the DPAC to help out with this years EOE
- Saturday I headed back to the DPAC for more EOE. I was helping move more than 200 little kids back and forth
- Sunday it was time for church at Hope Creek
- Chris and the band were rocking the house during worship.
- Scott did an awesome job with the sermon talking about the five things that grow your faith
- In Kidz Cove we had a new value HOPE and talked about how God has a plan in everything we do.
- Laura and her dancers did a great job this week. She is really doing a good job leading them and I am very proud of her
- Sunday right after church I headed back to the DPAC for the performance of EOE.
- As a tribute to Carlton some folks got together and sang the show opener "Faithful Friend" as they showed a DVD of photos of Carlton through the years
- Sunday night I crashed HARD and it snowed!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Weekend Madness
- Friday I headed to Ms. Miles house to check on her and spend some time talking to her.
- Friday I had some dinner at Champs at South Point and then headed home cause I felt like my head was about to fall off.
- Saturday I had a guy who came out to help do some work on the house. Little odds and end stuff nothing huge
- Saturday was also a lazy day for me cause I felt like I was walking around at about 40%
- Sunday was church and Hope Creek was ROCKIN
- Sunday was wrapped up "The game of Life" and Scott was all over it. Great job dude.
- Chris was sick and had no voice but Kate stepped it up and did an awesome job leading worship.
- Killer ending to the sermon with "Love Story" by Taylor Swift and we showed photos of all the couples in the church
- Back in Kidz Cove we were talking about fairness. Did something really cool and as I told the story one of our new leaders Ty drew a picture of what I was talking about. Man the kids loved it and it just brought a whole neither level to the COVE
- Sunday the Kidz collected item for Circle of Love to donate to the Durham Rescue Mission. Just one word to sum it up. AWESOME!!!!!!!
- Going with a group of folks from The Creek to North Point Church in ATL for a couple of days should be fun to hang out and get some new idea's
- Still trying to get used to this new normal that I have now in my life. It is hard to not think of Carlton but I know where he is and how healthy he is now and that makes me happy. Just going to take some time to get used to it.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
It's so hard to say goodbye
Here are so highlights I thought I would share.
- Singing Lionel Richie in a huge town car in NH while doing a Cancer benefit
- Sitting on the deck at Mrs. McIver's beach house watching the sunset
- Watching Carlton dance after UNC won the national championship in 05
- Having Carlton as a drummer in church got me to go back to church again
- Serving beside him in Kidzoogle and creating a place where 400 people a week saw how cool God can be.
- Getting some of the best seats on Broadway in NYC cause he was so big
- Late night talks sitting out on the patio while enjoying a nice steak
- Knowing he was going to sing a Laura and my wedding makes me smile cause he loved us that much
Carlton I love you. You were more than just my teacher, mentor, friend, you were my brother and I will miss you everyday. I can't wait to hear the band you are a member of when I meet you in heaven again someday.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Time off
Thanks for reading and understanding
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Weekend Madness
- Friday I went out to a friends house to get the low down on how to feed there dogs since they were headed out of town and Laura and I were going to have to take care of them.
- Saturday I had to work at the funeral home. The funeral was for a guy that I went to high school with that was killed in a car crash. This is the part of the job that never gets easy.
- Saturday night I headed out to James and Mel Browne's house were Laura was house sitting and cooked dinner and helped with the dogs for a while before I got called back into work.
- Sunday I headed to Hope Creek early to prepare for the day since we were having a program wide Kidz Cove meeting.
- Did not have to do much teaching Sunday cause my homie Kim Ferrer taught as Gina and he did an awesome job talking about Moses.
- Back in Kidz Cove we also played a game called Pick your Moses not your noses.
- Sunday in main service we continued our series "30 days to Live". And Scott just rocked it. He was not at 100% but God still used him to help changes lives Sunday. Isn't God GREAT!!!
- Chris and da band were on fire with their killer worship set. They lead off with Tim McGraw's " Live like you were dying"
- In the Kidz Cove meeting we talked about Vision and how important it was to have it. We played a cool game in which we had 2 teams. Tappers and guessers, the tappers had to tap out a song which I gave them on the guessers shoulder and the guesser had to try and guess the song. This is a very very hard game. But the image it gives is that is how it feels when you only have 1 piece of the puzzle for vision. People, parents, volunteers, and staff walk around trying to guess what you are trying to say.
- Sunday night was Real Life Live where teens bring their parents to youth. Not sure how it went cause I had a major headache and slept for most of the rest of the day and night
Friday, January 23, 2009
Hurray up and lead
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
No Weekend Madness
Today I wanted to share where my mind and heart are right now. I think God has used Hope Creek Church here in Durham, NC to open my eyes. When I was a teenager I thought the church as a whole was dying. I mean in my small Methodist church there were little to no visitors, there was a handful of kids my own age and the number on Sunday keep getting smaller and smaller. So I become one of the people that lift and turned my back on the church. 7 years later I found a place here in Durham that had "IT". There is where God worked in my life big time. He showed me that church can be different from what I was used to. He showed me that church can be fun. He showed me that God's word could be taught in today's terms. He showed me that my heart longed to serve him. After 5 years of hard work, blood, sweat, tears, highs and lows. I decided to leave to take a larger part in God's Kingdom. I became a Family Pastor at Hope Creek. It was clear on that first day they had "IT" as well. There is something special about this place even through we are smaller in size than some places there heart for lost people can't be matched. The folks that make up Hope Creek are not perfect, to be honest they are a bunch of sinners but that is OK cause so am I. But they get "IT" they understand that it is not about them. But we do EVERYTHING we can to still make them happy and still focus on the lost. That is the tight rope we walk as Pastor's at The Creek to make sure we don't sway one way or another. That has been the eye opener I have learned in my first year on the job. It is hard to walk a tight rope, something you fall, something the rope cathes you between the legs, and sometimes you make it all the way to end only to turn around and do it all over again.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
The Real Deal
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Weekend Madness
- Friday night there was not much going on so I headed home and caught up on some reading and prep work I needed to do for Hope Creek
- Saturday I cleaned house and finished taking down the Christmas stuff.
- Saturday night Laura and I headed to a coffee house to hear my good friend and co-worker Mike Poole sing. Mike has a really nice voice and he does the classics really really good.
- Sunday was a crazy day at The Creek. I was there before the sun was up to prep things for the day.
- Sunday was also week 2 of our new series "30 days to live" and I can tell you there was not a dry eye in the service after Scott got done speaking.
- Chris and da band were spot on this week as well. Nailing the tune "Time" by Hootie. And the worship set was just killer.
- Back in Kidz Cove we talked about being more like Ants and not Slugs. We also dove down more into the value of resourcefulness.
- Sunday night was also the return of Big Rock and it was ROCKIN. If you are in grades 6 -12 you don't want to miss next week. I promise you Big Rock is the coolest things happening at 5:37pm on Sunday nights
- Carolina lost again...... it is OK I think they may lose 2 or 3 more times this year but I still believe we will cut down the nets in March
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Weekend Madness
Crazy crazy crazy is the only way to describe the past week and weekend. So here goes:
- Friday after Christmas Laura, her family and myself left to head to Disney for a week of fun in the sun with the mouse.
- Monday was our first day at the park and we spent it at Epcot
- Tuesday was Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studios
- Wednesday was Magic Kingdom all day (15+ hours)
- Wednesday was also of cause New Years Eve and the fire works were amazing
- Wednesday was our last day at Disney
- Thursday was Universal Studios
- Oh yeah I also got in engaged on Thursday
- Friday I had to get up at the butt crack of dawn to be at the airport at 5:30am
- Flew home and got unpacked and cleaned up and headed to Moncure, NC for practice in one of my best friends weddings
- Saturday I spent most of the day packing up the Christmas stuff and then headed back to Moncure for Kevin and Rebecca's wedding.
- We laughed, cried, danced, and had one of the best times ever
- Sunday was a GREAT day at Hope Creek. Lots of folks, lots of Worship, lots of FUN
- Scott just ripped it up with "30 days to live"
- oh and I got engaged. I love you Laura