So I know I am no Tiger Woods when it comes to golf but I think I have found someone worse then me. Take a look and enjoy
Twitter Updates
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Do you listen?
As leaders we are told from the start that you have to listen to your people. That you can't lose touch of what the people want. And while that is true, what group of people are you listening to. Most of us tend to want to listen to people that give us comment after comment of praise. But what about the people that give us negative comments. Do we toss them aside and acted as if it did not happen? NO! I believe to be better leaders you have to listen to the negative comments cause those are where the problems lye. It means that there is a possible problem with our program. Don't let only the praise drive your program. Listen to the negative ones and see if they have merit. But don't forget to celebrate the praises. I think positive comments help you get on the right path. Negative comments help light the way. Listen and learn from BOTH
Monday, October 20, 2008
Weekend Madness
- Friday was a lazy night. Got work for Trunk R Treat done. And then headed off to church for service
- Saturday night after church some guys got together to watch the free UFC event on TV. Not a very good one so glad it was free
- Sunday was church all over again. Scott was in week 3 of "It Came From Within" and he talked about jealousy. Something that ALL of us deal with in some way.
- Chris and da band did a bang up job on the worship. We started out with a Gin Blossom tune "Jealousy"
- Back in Kidz Cove we are still talking Determination and this week we talked about the plagues God sent. Gina (Kim Ferrer) did a great job telling the story this week.
- Big Rock was just awesome we talked about jealousy and got the teens ready for Boo Bash next week.
- Lots of work this week getting ready for Trunk R Treat on Saturday at 7:30 and then Boo Bash Sunday at 5:37
- Laura has been gone since Thursday with her mom to visit family, she gets back Tuesday and I can't wait I miss her alot.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Fair
You can smell it in the air, it is mixture of corn, cakes, ham biscuits, cheese sticks, cotton candy, turkey legs and much much more. That's right the NC STATE FAIR IS HERE. The fair starts tomorrow and I for one am ready to partake in the goodness of fair food. I don't really ride any rides. I play some of the games, I even look at some of the side show stuff. But I mainly go for the food! So I thought since this is basketball country I would share who is in my Sweet 16 and let you vote and tell me who is in your "Sweet 16"

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Weekend Madness
- Friday I worked at the funeral home all day and then headed to the Creek to get some work done for the weekend.
- Saturday was another long day at the funeral home working on some demo. We are remodeling the room we show all the caskets in.
- Saturday was also the biggest day for UNC football in a while. We were 22nd in the nation coming into the game against Notre Dame on Saturday and we should me up in the ranks after the 29-24 VICTORY
- Saturday night was a great night for us here at The Creek. Lots of folks at Saturday service this week.
- Sunday was also a great day at the Creek. Saw new faces again this week. It is a great sign when you see new faces each week. It means we are doing something right.
- Scott was in week 2 of our series "It Came From Within". Today we talked about GUILT.
- Chris and the band were rocking with the set and brought it on home with "Heart of the Matter"
- Back in Kidz Cove it was all about Determination as we talked about Noah's Ark.
- Big Rock was smokein lots of teens, lots of energy, lots of fun. We also talked about guilt and how we tuck it away in the bottom of our hearts. And about how behind guilt you will find anger. And the only way to get ride of them is to confess not to God but to the person that the guilt come from.
- Very tired off to bed another long week
Thursday, October 9, 2008
More Than A Feeling
So last night we had Group Link at Hope Creek and it was AWESOME. More than 40 folks have signed up to be in a life groups. Laura and I are hosting a mixed group. Singles, married and dating folks. I like to call us overflowers. These are the folks that did not fit into the other groups. But trust me I believe they fit with us. We were having so much fun last night people told us to keep it down. So our new group will be meeting on Tuesday nights at 7:00pm. And I believe more than a feeling that this group is going to be the bee's knee's. I can't wait for dinner on Tuesday so we can learn more about each other. Man GOD is doing some great stuff at Hope Creek right now and I am blessed to be a part of it. See y'all at The Creek this weekend
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Weekend Madness
- Let me start off by saying man THIS WAS A GREAT WEEKEND
- Saturday was a lazy day. No work at the funeral (first time in a month). Watched alot of College Football. Which I think is right up there in the number 2 spot of best things in the world behind Jesus and in front of BBQ.
- Had dinner with 2 of the best folks I know James and Melissa Brown. I really don't believe God made two finer people. They never judge, never have an unkind word to say about anything, and they are on fire for God right now. Dinner and playing the Wii was awesome Thanks Y'all
- Headed to the creek early on Saturday to get some work done. Since it is the beginning of the month that means it is a new value so I had to change all the signage
- Saturday night service at the Creek was slamming.
- Sunday service followed suit of Saturday...was AWESOME. Scott started off our new series "It came from Within" and it was strong real strong.
- Chris and da Band did their thing. It was wicked.
- In Kidz Cove we had so many kids I had to go and get extra help. Now that is a great problem to have. We talked about Determination and even when stuff gets hard you gotta finish it.
- We played a cool new game called "Sock Wrestling". You have to stay on your knees and the person that gets the other persons socks off wins.
- Did not make it to Big Rock but heard through the grape vine it was da bomb.
- Had to go back to work at the Funeral home again tonight.
- Now it is off to bed heading to Jacksonville tomorrow for a graveside service. Leaving at 6:30 AM (BOOOOOO on that)
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Coming this October
Is there something you just can't shake. Something that seems to follow you around no matter where you go or try to hide. Something that lives deep within the bottom of your soul that is just too ugly to bear. Something that, at times, seems to take over your life. Find out what it is, how to get rind of it and how "It Came From Within" the next 4 weekends with us here at Hope Creek See you at The Creek
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