So Thanksgiving is Thursday and I for one love this holiday. When else can you eat so much that all you want to do is lay down a go to sleep. And the leftovers oh my. Man I love Thanksgiving. But more on Thanksgiving tomorrow. For now enjoy this song about my favorite day.
Twitter Updates
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Weekend Madness
- Thursday night I went to a powder-puff football game. It was cold outside but there was heat coming from the field. Those girls were playing some ball. And the guys we cracking me up doing their cheers.
- Friday I had a lazy day since I had Friday off. Even though it was cold outside I still played 9 holes of golf. Yeah I know I am crazy. I also got my hair cut on Friday. And if I can say so my self I fixed a banging dinner Friday night.
- Saturday I had to work at the Funeral Home and then headed to the church for our last Saturday night service ever. Starting on December 7 we will be having 2 services on Sunday at 9:30 and 11:00.
- Sunday was a huge day for us at the Creek. Lots of new faces and lots of energy. Worship was banging with our opening song "Mighty King of Love".
- Sunday we also did some interviews from the stage. We talked to a family that adopted 2 children from Ethiopia, a young guy who serves in the nursery and introduced our new youth pastor Kate Nelson.
- Back in Kidz Cove we were kid crazy cause they were every where. By far the most kids we have had since I have been there and let me tell you it felt great. We wrapped up our talk on Gratitude and next week we talk about Baptism.
- No Big Rock tonight since we're taking the holidays off so it was a lazy day of football, basketball, and movies.
- Now if I could only decide what to have for dinner!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Purple Cows
Just a thought to chew on. If you've seen a brown cow you've seen them all but a purple one we would stop and take notice. So here is the thought "If you aren't remarkable you're invisible." What do you think?
For more info on this check out this great post from Mark Batterson
For more info on this check out this great post from Mark Batterson
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Weekend Madness
- Friday I got to spend some time with Laura and her brother Michael we had Chinese for dinner and then went bowling.
- Saturday was a lazy day which meant no work at the funeral home. So I did some yard work around the house and just chilled.
- Saturday night was church at The Creek. Kim did a great job teaching this week. Saturday night we had Cove Leaders meeting and everyone really stepped up with some good ideas for how to improve things for the kids. So there will be some new stuff coming your way starting next week.
- Sunday was another awesome day for Hope Creek. New folks all around and that is GREAT. Chris and the band did an sweet job with the opening song John Melloncamps "Empty Hands". Scott also rocked out on " Less is More".
- Big Rock was kicking cause it was a party. We are taking some time off so our teens can spend this busy time of the year with their families. So no Big Rock until 2009
- This weekend also brought a huge change for us as a church. Starting in December we will not be doing a Saturday service anymore. But we will be adding a service at 9:30 on Sunday morning.
- Monday is mine and Laura's 2 year anniversary and I love her more now than I could have ever dreamed. Every day I fall more and more in love with her. I am truly blessed to have her in my life.
Monday, November 10, 2008
So is it just me or do they not make things like they use to. I really believe that workmanship is gone. Wood is not all wood anymore, tile is not all tile anymore and drywall well drywall is just paper thin now a days.
Here is an example: Man who would have ever thought that you can throw and teenager through a wall.

Guess you never know what will happen at Big Rock so be there Sunday nights at 5:37PM
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Weekend Madness
- Friday was just a chill and hang out around the house night. Homemade dinner and some t.v. Sometimes I just love to sit around and do nothing and recharge the body.
- Saturday I had to work all day at the funeral home. We got super super busy and I worked more on Saturday than I wanted to.
- Saturday night was a great night at the Creek. I did not have to teach this weekend so I got to sit back and watch as my leaders did there thing. And they were AWESOME. I am so proud to service the Kidz Cove team and look forward to this wild ride.
- Sunday we had lots of new faces and the Creek. Worship was just jammin and Scott hit a homerun with the wrap up of "Fanatic". There is a real buzz around church right now and I know God is not done with us yet.
- Had a great lunch with some friends. Man Red Robin is the junk.
- Sunday night was Big Rock and we were off the charts. New faces again this week which is always a great thing. We finished our talk on Worship about how to worship.
- Had a little problem at youth....... who know that a person could really bust through a wall. (pictures to come later)
- It is Sunday night late and you know what that means "House" is on so I am on the couch watching away the night.
- Busy week ahead working at the funeral home and church. And it does not look like I will get a day off.
- Thanks for reading
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Weekend Madness
- Friday was Halloween and I passed out candy to about 60 kids. This was my first Halloween at the house and I loved handing out all that candy.
- Friday I also got to go Dougie's house for a little of hang out time with some ol friends.
- Saturday I got up and meet Laura early and we headed to my parents church for there annual bazaar. We had some good home made biscuits and I got some Christmas stuff.
- Saturday I spent most of the day working on the new value for back in Kidz Cove.
- Saturday we headed off to church at The Creek. Lots of folks new and old there.
- We prepared to say goodbye to our church drummer Josh as he leaves Monday for the Marines.
- Sunday was a great day at The Creek. Lots of energy. We are on a roll right now.
- Scott started our new series "Fanatic: What do you worship" and just ripped it up.
- Chris and da band had a really great worship set.
- Back in Kidz Cove we had a ton of kids over 30 for the 2nd week in a row.
- Big Rock just rocked my face off. Small numbers but huge message. We talked about the war for our worship and how to not let it sneak up past God
- Very tired right now so I am off to bed.
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