- Great weekend at The Creek. We kicked off our new series "The Star, The Cross and The Crecent " talking about how the world's top 3 religions all lead back to one person Abraham. If you missed this week check out our podcast to catch up. Scott really nailed it.
- Had a good friend Carlton Miles come to the Creek this weekend to check us out and he loved it. Thought it was a very welcoming place. I would love to have Carlton on board with us cause he is awesome musican and person in general.
- Finished up our talk this month in the Great Adventure on self-control with a cool game day. Next month we are looking a teamwork as our value.
- Spoke tonight at Big Rock talking about why and how to have queit time with God. Shared with them how it takes time for our minds to catch up with what our hearts are doing. And that we must renew our minds to know God's will. Challenged them to spend 12 mintues a day in God's word and prayer for 30 days.
- Starting the re-model project in the kids area Monday night. Can't wait to get some paint on the walls and see the whole project take off. Get ready Creek cause this is only the beginning of what is about to come for us.
- Going to be starting my 30 day challenge tonight. So hope you will to.
- God is rocking my socks right now and pushing me in ways that I could never imagine. I just hope that I will not get in the way of HIS plans for my life.
Twitter Updates
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Weekend Madness
Friday, June 27, 2008
Do you wanna
So I have been prepping for the talk that I am going giving to the Big Rock youth on Sunday night. I am speaking on " Quiet time with God" why we need and how to do it. And it hit me. I am not really good at this. I mean I try to be good. I try and read everyday even if it is just a few verses. I try to pray everyday, even praying little prayers through out the day. I have tried to write in a journal but I am not a good writer. So I just upset and quit. But in preparing for this talk it got me thinking how can I tell them what they should do if I can't even do it. So I came up with this. THE 30 DAY CHALLENGE. I am extending this out to myself and the youth. I also want to extended it out to my the readers of this blog (all 2 of you). Lets try having at least 10-15 minutes of quiet time (no phones, TV, music, kids, nothing around). In that time dive into God's word with reading at the least a few verses a day. And then spend some time talking to God and listening as well. And if after 30 days you and honestly it has not helped you. Don't do it. I am going to start Sunday 6/29/08. Will you join me?
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Weekend Madness
Wow what a crazy couple of days.
- Friday 6/20 was Laura's 21st Birthday so we had dinner with her family.
- Then Saturday I worked all day then did a concert at Scared Grounds Coffee House.
- Sunday we had church which went really really good (I really think we are starting to turn the corner)
- Sunday afternoon Laura's family and I set sail to Atlanta, GA to go to the world's largest aquarium (it takes a good 6 hours to see everything) got back late Monday night
- Tuesday 6/24 was my 28th Birthday I got a huge steak for dinner and then head out to hear my good friend Damon Brown (check him out on my side bar) at his CD release party
- Now I am off to study for small group tomorrow night then going to bed
It has been a long couple of days am I am very tired
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
there back

North Carolina is now the overwhelming favorite to win the 2009 NCAA men's basketball tournament. Carolina men's basketball players Wayne Ellington, Danny Green and Ty Lawson have decided to withdraw from the 2008 NBA Draft and return to Chapel Hill for the 2008-09 season, Coach Roy Williams announced on Monday.The trio had entered their names into the NBA Draft pool in April but did not hire agents, leaving open the possibility of returning to school. The deadline to withdraw from the draft was 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Monday."After a long and exhaustive process of gathering information and sharing it with these youngsters, I stepped back and asked them to make their own decisions," Williams said on Monday afternoon. "I'm very pleased with their decisions because I get to coach them for another year. I'm also pleased that they went through the process and gained valuable information. It was reassuring that the feedback they got from the NBA teams is the same type of feedback our coaching staff has been giving them.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Weekend Madness
This is a understatement for what has went on this weekend.
- Started off the week putting in new hardwood floors in Laura's mom house. Man that is not easy work
- Friday Laura and I got to spend some time with our good friends James and Melissa Browne over dinner.
- Then Saturday Laura left for Washington DC so I sent all day at the church working on Pappapalooza stuff. Lots of folks showed up to help set up for Sunday. Sunday hit and it was all out busy.
- Scott did a great job talking about when and when not to fight as a guy.
- Chris and the rest of the band were off the hook with their set this week.
- After service we started our first annual Father's Day event Poppapalooza. It was a carnival style day with games for dad's and kids to play together. Dunking booth, chipping and casting contest, bounce house, and a ladder firetruck.
It really was a great day in the history of the Creek
Friday, June 13, 2008
Did you know I was famous
I guess your past never really does die. This a part of my life I wish I had back

Thursday, June 12, 2008

This weekend we will have one service only as we celebrate Father’s Day Hope Creek Style with our first ever Poppapalooza! You won’t want to miss the burgers, brats and classic rock. Plus carnival games, moon bounce, face painting, and a fire truck for the kids, a chipping and casting contest for the guys AND the now infamous dunking booth with special appearances by your staff!!!
Don’t miss it! Invite your friends, tell your friends to invite their friends, this will be one that if you don’t make, you’ll hear about and wish you had!!! Can’t wait to see you this weekend ONE SERVICE ONLY Sunday at 11AM with the carnival opening immediately after service.
Don’t miss it! Invite your friends, tell your friends to invite their friends, this will be one that if you don’t make, you’ll hear about and wish you had!!! Can’t wait to see you this weekend ONE SERVICE ONLY Sunday at 11AM with the carnival opening immediately after service.
Monday, June 9, 2008
20 movies that make men cry

Some blogger at the "Sporting News" website . . . (www.SportingNews.com) . . . has come up with a list of the Top 20 Movies that Make Men Cry. I am not sure I agree with all of them but. Here they are . . .
#1.) "Field of Dreams", 1989
#2.) "Old Yeller", 1957 #
#3.) "Brian's Song", 1971
#4.) "Braveheart", 1995
#5.) "Rudy", 1993
#6.) "Pride of the Yankees", 1942
#7.) "Saving Private Ryan", 1998
#8.) "The Green Mile", 1999
#9.) "E.T.", 1982
#10.) "The Passion of the Christ", 2004
#11.) "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King", 2003
#12.) "Seabiscuit", 2003
#13.) "Big Fish", 2003
#14.) "The Shawshank Redemption", 1994
#15.) "The Natural", 1984
#16.) "Forrest Gump", 1994
#17.) "Dead Poets Society", 1989
#18.) "Frequency", 2000
#19.) "Schindler's List", 1993
#20.) "It's A Wonderful Life", 1946
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Other's First
Have you ever thought about the value of others first? I mean it seems simple, put others first. There are tons of ways you can do this: complements, holding doors open, and helping little old ladies across the street but this value is so much more than that. If we could be honest we all do things out of our own selfishness. We do these things because we are all selfish. SELFISHNESS is a sin and we all carry it. It makes us feel good, in fact it makes us feel great when we get what we want. It could be a new TV, car, house, job, whatever. But those great feelings are short lived, so we have be selfish again and again and again. But if we follow Christ example of humility then we begin to put others first, ahead of our own desires. This feeling will not only last longer for us but will also impact the person we put first. This value dives into the very bottom of our souls. It challenges us to "look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. "
Philippians 2: 4
Philippians 2: 4
Monday, June 2, 2008
Weekend Madness
So here it is a another close to another long weekend and boy am I tired. But I wanted to share some highlights from the weekend
- We had a great weekend in the Great Adventure. Did some singing, dancing, finished up our talk on Patience, played some cool games and had the kids help design what they wanted there large room to look like.
- week 3 of "Sabotage" went great. Scott talked about something that is kinda taboo in the church LUST. Which we capped off with a great song by Sugarland called "Stay".
- Chris and the rest of the worship band are rocking it out each and every week.
- For a smaller church we are doing BIG things. You can now download our podcast each and every week from itunes. Type in Hope Creek Church or Scott Decker both will bring up the pod cast. What's next........ maybe Hope Creek services on You Tube.
- Big Rock kicked butt. We are in week 2 of our talk on "Ours First" We talked about how instinct and society tell us to be self centered but as Christan's we need to imitate Christ's example of humility. We read from Philippians 2 1-4
- We played an awesome game called ninja, cowboy and lampshade at Big Rock. It is a spin off of rock, paper, scissors. Battle of the sexes is how we played it (girls VS boys). And the BOYS won taking the best 2 out of 3.
- God is doing some great great BIG stuff in my life right now. I just hope I can shut up and not get in the way of his plan.
I'm off to work
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